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# Modeled growth of M. californianus larvae to pediveliger stage after acute acidification stress
# PI: George Waldbusser (Oregon State University)
# Co-PIs: Chris Langdon, Burke Hales, & Brian Haley (Oregon State University)
# Version: 20 October 2016
development_time_post_fert  time  
96                          4     
treatment  pCO2   aragonite_sat  pH     pH_category  omega_category  shell_size_est  energy_est_from_shell_len  ingestion_rate_est  food_energy_content  assimilation_efficiency  resp_rate  resp_cost  energy_est_from_shell_len2  daily_ingestion_rate  net_growth_efficiency  respiration_costs  change_in_energy  scope_for_growth_energy  delay_effect  
La         219    0.5            7.84   Low          Low             108.120         656.953                    26.566              0.608                0.38                     0.281      5.638      656.953                     147.307               0.78                   135.321            771.852           11.985                   nd            
Lb         197    1.09           8.03   Low          MedLow          129.628         1136.293                   47.994              0.608                0.38                     0.391      7.859      1136.293                    266.127               0.67                   188.607            1314.598          77.519                   nd            
Lc         241    1.87           8.11   Low          MedHigh         133.542         1243.097                   52.882              0.608                0.38                     0.413      8.298      1243.097                    293.227               0.67                   199.159            1439.559          94.068                   nd            
Ld         191    4.58           8.35   Low          High            135.642         1303.077                   55.641              0.608                0.38                     0.425      8.539      1303.077                    308.528               0.67                   204.928            1509.791          103.600                  nd            
Mla*       715    0.31           7.48   MedLow       Low             93.934          429.604                    16.796              0.608                0.38                     0.217      4.359      429.604                     93.131                0.78                   104.613            502.246           -11.482                  nd            
Mlb        437    1.03           7.84   MedLow       MedLow          129.496         1132.804                   47.835              0.608                0.38                     0.390      7.844      1132.804                    265.245               0.67                   188.256            1310.518          76.989                   nd            
Mlc        396    2.36           8.04   MedLow       MedHigh         134.001         1256.052                   53.477              0.608                0.38                     0.415      8.351      1256.052                    296.527               0.67                   200.414            1454.725          96.113                   nd            
Mld        365    4.82           8.21   MedLow       High            135.982         1312.974                   56.098              0.608                0.38                     0.427      8.578      1312.974                    311.059               0.67                   205.870            1521.384          105.189                  nd            
Mha        8.73   0.51           7.54   MedHigh      Low             106.555         628.653                    25.333              0.608                0.38                     0.273      5.490      628.653                     140.469               0.78                   131.759            738.219           8.710                    nd            
Mhb        773    1.17           7.75   MedHigh      MedLow          130.641         1163.318                   49.228              0.608                0.38                     0.397      7.971      1163.318                    272.966               0.67                   191.313            1346.205          81.653                   nd            
Mhc        803    2.33           7.88   MedHigh      MedHigh         134.270         1263.683                   53.828              0.608                0.38                     0.417      8.381      1263.683                    298.472               0.67                   201.151            1463.659          97.321                   nd            
Mhd        767    4.69           8.05   MedHigh      High            135.468         1298.021                   55.408              0.608                0.38                     0.424      8.519      1298.021                    307.236               0.67                   204.446            1503.869          102.791                  nd            
Ha         2228   0.65           7.39   High         Low             115.159         794.810                    32.631              0.608                0.38                     0.315      6.328      794.810                     180.936               0.78                   151.879            935.940           29.057                   nd            
Hb         2175   1.31           7.55   High         MedLow          129.835         1141.772                   48.244              0.608                0.38                     0.392      7.882      1141.772                    267.512               0.67                   189.158            1321.005          78.354                   nd            
Hc         2457   2.18           7.64   High         MedHigh         134.147         1260.182                   53.667              0.608                0.38                     0.416      8.367      1260.182                    297.580               0.67                   200.813            1459.561          96.766                   nd            
Hd         2063   5.21           7.86   High         High            136.566         1330.060                   56.886              0.608                0.38                     0.430      8.645      1330.060                    315.430               0.67                   207.489            1541.398          107.942                  nd            
Control    272    3.25           8.19   Control      Control         135.074         1286.652                   54.885              0.608                0.38                     0.422      8.473      1286.652                    304.333               0.67                   203.359            1490.555          100.974                  nd